Aging Affects Your Dental Health in many ways. Follow Highlands Ranch Family Dental’s healthy dental tips in order to keep your teeth and body healthy.

Did you know dental health and hygiene becomes increasingly important with every birthday? There is no way to deny that as we age, particularly after we reach our 50’s, that our bodies, begin to change in ways we never experienced. There’s menopause for women and there’s that slight paunch no amount of exercise can seem to take away for men. But also, our eyes begin to fail, we lose hair or it turns gray, we lose flexibility, and our teeth—even if we lived a healthy life and brush twice a day—become prey to decay and gum disease.

Here are five ways to keep your teeth healthy

  • Gum disease affects your heart. If you suffer from serious or prolonged gum disease, you run the risk of heart disease. While the evidence does not seem one hundred percent conclusive, studies point to a link between the two. Keeping your gums healthy will help keep your heart healthy.
  • Carbs, acids, and medicine can cause tooth decay. Bacteria is what actually causes tooth decay so any carb can break down into bacteria. Meanwhile, acidic foods will weaken the teeth’s enamel. And for older people who might be taking a number of medications; these can sometimes dry your mouth and saliva is something that helps protect your teeth.
  • You don’t always have a toothache when you have a cavity. Sometimes people have cavities and never notice. Other times the cavity can get infected and this causes pain because of the pressure from the swelling. But sometimes the abscess or infection drains itself relieving the pressure and thus relieving the symptoms.
  • Baking soda is a natural tooth cleaning substance. At the dental hygienist, they will wash out your mouth with baking soda and water. Some kinds of toothpaste have baking soda in them. But if you really care about your teeth you can brush with toothpaste, and then also brush with baking soda. This will benefit not only your teeth but your gums.
  • You should get your teeth professionally cleaned more than twice a year. Sure it will cost you more because the insurance only pays for one cleaning every six months, but it won’t hurt you to have your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist every three months. So each cleaning might cost you a couple of hundred out of pocket, but it can save you thousands in the end.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Give us a call today at 303-346-4495 or email us at [email protected] to schedule your first visit. We would love to work with you toward a better, brighter smile.

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