It’s probably been a few months since you have had a dental check-up, and maybe you think you have a cavity? HR Family Dental works through the signs that you may have a cavity. If you are experiencing any dental pain, call the office immediately to avoid future or extensive issues with your dental health. HR Family Dental is following all regulations for dental visits set by the CDC and the ADA, visit our home page to learn more.

Do You Think You Have a Cavity?

Tooth sensitivity

This is especially true for hot, cold, and sugary foods. This can feel like a mild pain in one tooth or area of your teeth. Try brushing your teeth with a special toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. If that doesn’t help the sensitivity, you may have a cavity.

Bad Breath

Cavities are caused by bacteria, that bacteria may create bad breath. However, this is a sign that the cavity has gone untreated for a long time and the tooth is starting to decay. The bacteria in your mouth feed on food particles and brushing and flossing helps keep this bacteria at bay. If you have a bad breath caused by a cavity, it means that the bad breath is persistent and doesn’t go away with regular brushing and flossing

Cracked Tooth

Some cracked teeth can be caused by accidents or extremely hard foods. They can also be caused by cavities because the bacteria that create them weaken your tooth enamel in the process. Your tooth is then more vulnerable when you’re chewing crunchy foods. If you do crack a tooth, make a dentist appointment immediately and avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until your dentist can fix your tooth.

Dark Spots

Sometimes a dark spot can just be a natural stain. If the spot is sticky, this could mean that it’s a growing cavity. If you have a slight pain when you’re eating, check for holes. A hole in your tooth is most likely a sign that the bacteria in your mouth has created a cavity. If your dark spots or holes are visible on your tooth, this means the cavity has gone untreated for a while and you should see a dentist right away.


If you have a toothache, specifically when you bite into food, you may have a cavity. Reach out to Dr. Lunn immediately to stop the spread.

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