Coffee, tea, red wine, and some soda can all stain your teeth and darken your smile. But there are some common foods that can actually help whiten your teeth over time. They’re not as thoroughly effective as professional teeth whitening products—but they are cheap and natural. And that should leave you smiling. HR Family Dental offers free teeth whitening after your bi-annual teeth cleaning.

5 Foods That Can Whiten Your Teeth

1. Strawberries

They may stain your shirt, but they could work to whiten teeth since they contain an enzyme called malic acid. Try mashing up strawberries and rubbing them on your teeth. Leave for five minutes then rinse with water and brush and floss as usual.

2. Oil (sesame oil or virgin coconut oil)

Oil, or more specifically, oil pulling, is when oil is used for gargling, not cooking. Sesame oil or virgin coconut oil is swished around inside the mouth and then spat out after fifteen minutes. As the substance is vigorously “pulled” back and forth between your teeth, the mucous membranes inside your mouth absorb nutrients from it.

Sesame oil has omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, and vitamins A, B, and E; while virgin coconut oil has antibacterial properties that promote healthier gums and cavity-free teeth. Just make sure not to swallow any of the spittle that will form as you gargle.

3. Apples

Apples also contain high levels of malic acid. The act of biting and chewing on this crunchy fruit gently scrubs away debris, stains, and bacteria from your mouth.

4. Celery

Say goodbye to tooth stains as you snack on that piece of celery during your break! The fibrous cellulose act as a natural toothbrush, while the high water content stimulates saliva production, your natural mouth cleanser.

5. Water

Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and prevents stains from forming on your teeth. Swish it in your mouth after eating or drinking pigment-rich foods and beverages to keep your smile white and bright. Water also reduces your mouth’s overall acidity, lessening the likelihood of damaging your tooth enamel. Just make sure you stick to flat water, as the sparkling variety increases the chances of eroding tooth surfaces

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Give us a call today at 303-346-4495 or email us at [email protected] to schedule your first visit. We would love to work with you toward a better, brighter smile.

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