Everyone wants a beautiful smile. The first steps to a great smile are great dental hygiene. Having poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems in the future such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more. Regular check ups and cleanings can prevent these problems as well as provide you with good oral hygiene. Follow our dental hygiene tips for your best smile ever. 

5 Great Dental Hygiene Tips

  1. Proper Brushing:  One of the easiest steps to do to help your teeth keep clean. When brushing your teeth, position the bristles at an angle of 45 degrees near the gum line. Both the gum line and the tooth surface should be in contact with the bristles. Brush the outer surfaces of the teeth using a back-and-forth, up-and-down motion, making sure to be done gently in order to avoid bleeding. To clean the inside surfaces of the teeth and gums, place the bristles at a 45-degree angle again and repeat the back-and-forth, up-and-down motion. Lastly, brush the surfaces of your tongue and the roof of your mouth to remove bacteria, which might cause bad breath. Try to brush at least twice a day to prevent acid buildup from the breakdown of food by bacteria. However, if your work or activities prevent you from doing this, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after eating to minimize the amount of food that would serve as a substrate for the bacteria.
  2. Flossing! We know, it’s a chore and a lot of times forgetful after brushing if rushing out the door or heading to bed. However, flossing can help you remove food particles and other detrimental substances that brushing regularly cannot. Flossing allows you to reach deep between your teeth where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach or even mouthwash cannot wash away. We recommend flossing at least once a day.
  3. Stop Smoking: Smoking can have terrible effects on your health and dental health. Avoiding tobacco will improve your dental health. One, it will save you from oral cancer and periodontal complications. Two, it will save you from the countless ill effects caused by the agents used to mask the smell of tobacco. For example, if you smoke a cigarette, you may use candies, tea or coffee to mask the smoky breath and odor. This doubles the amount of damage caused.
  4. Avoid Sodas: Even if a soda is “healthy” – The La Croix sodas are very popular right now, although they have no sugar or calories, the fizzy water can erode enamel over time. Try to limit the amount of soda you drink for a lasting healthy mouth.
  5. Visit Your Dentist: The most important aspect of maintaining a healthy smile is staying up to date on your 6-month dental visits. If you think you are due for a dental visit in Highlands Ranch contact us today! 

There you have it. There are many other ways to maintain your dental hygiene, use mouthwash daily, and avoid sugary or sticky sweets. The most important thing to remember when getting into a dental hygiene habit is to visit your dentist twice a year. Contact HR Family Dental in Highlands Ranch if you’re ready to visit a dentist and get on the path to a healthy smile.